Gilby’s has just made it EASY & FUN for you to select your Apple trees!
Follow the 3 steps below
Step Number 1.
Select What Rootstock do you want? (The Rootstock will determine the growth habit of your tree)
- Dwarf
- Attributes: 1 bushel of fruit in 2-3rd years, 8-10’ tall, Needs Support, Plant 4’ apart.
- Semi Dwarf
- Attributes: 3-5 bushel of fruit 3-5 years, 15’ tall, Plant 15’ apart
- Standard
- Attributes: 5-7 bushel of fruit 4-7 years, 20-25’ tall, Plant 20-25’ apart
Step Number 2.
Determine the Cold Hardiness Zone where you will be planting the trees. Make sure you don’t select trees that are not cold hardy for the area you will be planting.
- Planting in Cold Hardiness Zone 2, Plant Cold Hardiness Zone 2 trees only
- Planting in Cold Hardiness Zone 3, Plant Cold Hardiness Zone 2 or 3 Trees Only
- Planting in Cold Hardiness Zone 4 ,Plant Cold Hardiness Zone 2,3 or 4 Trees Only
- Planting in Cold Hardiness Zone 5, Plant Cold Hardiness Zone 2,3,4 or 5 Trees Only
add link to cold hardiness zones here?
Step Number 3.
Select Varieties Select 2 different varieties in the same bloom season with different parents
- Review our Knowledge Charts to Select the Varieties will work best for you