The Spruce Scavenger takes place within the 1,000 spruce tree plantation at Gilbys.
Follow the trail through forest and search for:
- Candy Corn
- Witches
- Ghosts
- Aragog the Spider
- Skeleton
- Black Cats
- Bats
[metaslider id=316]
The Spruce Scavenger takes place within the 1,000 spruce tree plantation at Gilbys.
Follow the trail through forest and search for:
[metaslider id=316]
Gilby’s Orchard & Nursery
Minnesota Apple Orchard
30069 State Hwy 210
Aitkin, MN, 56431
Phone: 218-670-1232
Cancelation Policy
-Full refund if order has been canceled by 1-1-25