Bare Root Cherry Trees

Minnesota Nanking Cherry - Bare Root Tree

Bare Root Cherry Trees for Sale

Cherries are self-fertile they do not need any other pollinator!

Choose from:

Evan Bali - StdBare Root Cherry Tree Evans Bali is much sweeter than other sour cherries. The dark …$49.99
NankingBare Root Cherry Tree This excellent bush cherry is incredibly hardy and productive. One of …$14.99
sweet cherry pie cherry
First Editions Sweet Cherry Pie CherryFirst Editions® Sweet Cherry Pie™ Cherry | Prunus ‘Eubank’ From Wisconsin orchardist Bill Eubank, this …$49.99
Mesabi Cherry
Mesabi CherryMesabi Cherry | Prunus ‘Mesabi’ Long stemmed, red-fleshed fruits with sugar content halfway between pie cherries and …$49.99
Meteor Cherry
Meteor CherryMeteor Cherry | Prunus ‘Meteor’ Plant Description Genetic dwarf about 10’ introduced by the University …$49.99
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